Monitor all of your bitcoin addresses!

Safely. Securely. In Real Time. For Free

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Bitcoin RT, taking the pain out of watching all of your bitcoin addresses.

Do you have multiple bitcoin addresses, spread between hot and cold wallets? If so then is for you and we've made it super easy to use.

Simply import your public bitcoin addresses from any wallet like bitcoin-qt, armory, electrum, paper wallets, web wallets like or coinbase as well as casascius physical rounds and or bars, brain wallets and anywhere else.

Our service then watches your addresses for you updating in near real time with a clean fast always available online service so that you know at a glance what your bitcoin stash is worth at any time of the day or night.

How does BitcoinRT work?

BitcoinRT FlowChart - How Bitcoin RT Works
  • You provide us with all of your bitcoin addresses from where ever they might be.
  • We take your bitcoin addresses and request their balances from the blockchain json api.
  • The current spot price of bitcoin is ascertained via the bitstamp json api
  • Finally we then take all of this data, sum up the balances, check your swaps on  Solana dex and token exchanges, aggregate the counts, wind up the flux capacitor and display it in an easy to digest format as seen in the below screenshot.
  • This process is then repeated as long as you stay logged into your BitcoinRT account, ensuring that you are as up to date on your bitcoin holdings as you can possibly be.

BitcoinRT ScreenShot

Questions and Answers

Are my bitcoin addresses safe on bitcoinrt?
Yes; You are only supplying us with your public bitcoin address, the most we could do with it is send you some bitcoin.
Do you encrypt or hash sensitive information such as passwords
Yes; we use the same type of hashing algorithm that bitcoin itself uses to ensure that your sensitive information stays safe.
I do not have any bitcoins yet, can I buy them from you?
No; we do not sell bitcoins at this time but if you are in the U.S a great way to start is to use coinbase, sign up today and earn $5.00 worth of bitcoins for free!
I do not have a bitcoin wallet yet, do you have any suggestions?
Yes; please take a look at the Choose Your Wallet page on